
Customized Training.

We've received several questions regarding the target audience of our training programs. Here is a summary of potential groups benefiting from our...
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Increasing your staff productivity.

Are you looking for increasing your staff productivity and elevate their professional competencies to a new level? Reach out to us and...
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Rest in Peace Tim.

With great sadness and sorrow, we lost a friend and one of our greatest instructors. An amazing human is an understatement for...
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Richard Feynman’s birthday.

Today is Richard Feynman's birthday, one of the greatest physicists of all times. At XPERJY, we truly follow his guidance on teaching and...
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Access to Subject-Matter Experts.

Learning and Development (L&D) is the continuous process of improving your team's knowledge, competencies, and skills to boost their productivity and job...
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Customized Training with Xperjy.

Have you ever wondered why customized training should be your go to plan? We are here to develop training, workshops and crash...
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HAPPY FRIDAY! ???? We take this opportunity to express our gratitude that we appreciate YOU (as the famous Ted Lasso says) in...
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We are looking forward to hearing about your team's knowledge gap, and how we can assist you through our customized training developed...
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Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day! ???? Today, we celebrate the impact women have had in shaping our world (..and indeed our company!), and...
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Here to help.

We are here to help!
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